System Administrator: Leslie A. Wishard
Delivery/Bookkeeper: Beverly Klasel
Learn About PTLS
Potter Tioga Library System (known as PTLS) is the only two-county system in the state. The System Office and eleven libraries provide library service to a population of 57,444 (2020 Census) over 2219 square miles.
The System Board of Directors and staff are determined to find better ways to provide services to the underserved areas of our two counties. With eleven member libraries, we hope our citizens take advantage of the many materials and programs that may fill their needs.
In the spring of 2018, all member libraries became part of the PaILS/SPARK state-wide consortium. The Evergreen circulation software allows us to see materials at all eleven libraries. By using the same software, it has increased sharing of resources across the two counties, thus providing better services for our patrons.
And to further support our patrons, new in 2023, we have started weekly deliveries to each member library, dropping off and picking up books, audios, and DVDs, borrowed across the two counties. This new resource sharing project extends our collections, so patrons have easy access to materials from each library. And, thanks to Jim Mapstone, who has created all our logos, including our newest one. He designed a PTLS delivery logo to remind patrons that they now can borrow materials from all eleven libraries!
And lastly, the System Administrator provides consulting and continuing education services to the local library directors and acts as a liaison between the directors and the North Central Library District (NCLD) and Office of Commonwealth Libraries (OCL). This administrator and the System staff oversee the state and county funding and its distribution to the local libraries, as well the maintenance of the rotating book club collections and the delivery of holds across the counties.